Saturday, April 18, 2009

Record Store Day

There is no better way to spend an afternoon than in a record store. There is something exicting about walking in a room full and CDs and records and going though each shelf picking things up and having to make the agonising desicion about whether you really need to buy 7 albums when you won't get paid for another six days. Add to this passionate staff who know everything there is to know about music and you've got youself a music junkie's dream.

Today is Record Store Day. All day independant record stores around the country, and the world are celebrating by offering discounts, competitons and instore perfomances.

So if you're sitting at home with nothing to do, go down to your local independant record store and buy some new music. Your ears will be smiling, the artists will be smiling and your wallet will be signifigantly lighter. Awesome!

For all the details head to:

or, if you're in Australaia

In case any of you are wondering why I'm sitting at a computer instead of buying copious amounts of music, I have a sinus infection from hell and the last time I tried going to a record store it resulted in tram-sickness. Which is lovley. There's nothing quite like nausea in public places.

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