Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I've never really noticed Pheonix. I'd heard some of thier songs in movies or on the radio and enjoyed them to a degree, but they had never really grabbed my attention.

That was until I heard the song "Lasso" from their new album Wolfgang Amadus Pheonix.

The track is two minutes and fifty seconds of pop perfection. I hightly reccomend you give it a listen if you haven't already.

I've heard a few of their other tracks and will definatly be buying myself a copy of thier new album when I'm well enough to go out. And cashed up enough, of course.

1 comment:

  1. hey! this kinda blog reminds me of band reviews. hmm smthng like IMDB LOL!
    u dont update ur other blog so much thesedays.
    im guessin ur gettin a slight feel for bein a journalist - startin these review sites =P
    c u laters lauren
